And that’s a wrap for 2022. Ideas, successes, challenges, and conversations — it was a unique year for Convo. We’re excited to discover what 2023 will bring for us, and we know it’ll be another fantastic year when we grow and evolve as a company. In this blog post, we bring you thoughts and reflections that some of our team members had this year. Some of them also shared their resolutions for 2023 (if you need ideas)!
Thoughts, stories, and memories of 2022
I started at Convo in 2022 so this is my first ever experience working from home. The notable thing about working in 2022 was adjusting to work from home, growing to absolutely love it, and becoming so spoiled that leaving the house at all feels like a chore now. As for resolutions, I would love to reduce screen time and replace it more with any of my weird hobbies like foraging, knitting, making twine from foraged fibers, and more. –Jenny W.
My resolution is simple and it’s about fitness. Yet at the same time, it’s not so simple for me. My goal for 2023 is to learn how to do a pull-up! I can’t even do one, but hopefully I can do five by the end of 2023! –Allison R.
My favorite Convo memories for 2022 – I was blessed with quite a few! I met the team in Austin (we played cornhole and it was a blast) and again in October in Seattle where there were 8 Convo teammates rockin’ out at a company conference onsite! As for my resolution, I want to find more time to go out on more adventures with my wife and to keep building momentum we have at Convo with its awesome and supportive culture. –Kari T.
My favorite work memory this year was seeing everyone’s faces in the brain trust group because it’s a commitment to open and transparent communication between the interpreters and the management team. It’s been a real pleasure to be able to have open discussions with my colleagues and see leadership really care and use our suggestions. It really makes a difference to the whole company when leadership cares. My resolution for next year is to have some kind of international travel on the books before the year is out. –Anna K.
My favorite work memory is becoming a tru-biz (Deaf slang meaning “true enough”) staff member with Convo. I began as a sub-contractor in January of 2020 and was crushed when the contract abruptly ended in April this year… It took a few months of persistence and patience to finally get onboarded but HERE I AM! I’m one of those old-school, community raised interpreters who won’t work for a company nor agency who is not Deaf-centric. To be a part of a company with so many Deaf leaders at the helm is so satisfying to my soul. Grateful! –Brenda A.
My department was full of people who cared about each other, and I felt right at home when I started working here. A year has passed, and I can’t believe how fast time flies when you’re spending time collaborating with like-minded people who care about the Deaf community. –Trey G.

Here’s to 2023
We hope you had a wonderful year. Thank you for being with us in 2022, and we look forward to creating more conversations in 2023 with you! Happy New Year’s and Happy Holidays!
Ready to make inclusion a priority in 2023? In need of a Virtual Interpreting service to kick off your year? Let’s get started!