COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources

We are in this together!

Convo is committed to connecting and supporting the Deaf Ecosystem while we navigate through COVID-19. We believe it is important to be responsive to the needs of our community by sharing useful information and resources to help you healthy and informed.

Our community resource list is a collection of ASL-centric information on COVID-19 and on-line resources such as mental health services, ways to learn ASL, enjoy ASL storytelling, on-line seminars, and workouts to support you during this time. If you have resource recommendations for us to consider, please send them to

EVENTS & CLASSES | FREE events and classes on-line

Videos on breathing, relaxation, and meditation (asked where those are available)

Mediation Mondays | Every Monday, 4:45p EST – 15 minutes on Instagram Live (Starting 3/30)

30 minutes classes for Deaf Athletes | Tuesday and Thursdays at 4:30p EST

First one on 3/19 at 8am MST on Instagram LIVE | M/W/F for next 21 days following 3/19 one

Tuesday & Thursdays | 3/ 17, 3/19, 3/24, and 3/26 at 11:30am to 12pm EST on Instagram LIVE
